Whittier Elementary School : Peoria, Illinois
50,000 square feet | $1.6 million
District 150 received funding to install air conditioning into all of their schools. With this, came tight budgetary constraints as they have allocated specific amounts to each school to ensure enough funding for each project. Whittier Elementary School is an older building, that was built prior to modern air conditioning systems, bringing challenges in ventilation, constructibility, and design aesthetics. Also, the current electrical service could not support the power needs of the new air conditioning system.
KED SOLUTION : Cost-Effective HVAC System Upgrades
The electrical service was upgraded to support the increased power needs of the school. The air conditioning system was designed to be seamless with the existing construction and aesthetically pleasing. Cost-effective HVAC equipment was selected. As a result of the new air conditioning system, the school has experienced better ventilation during the pandemic and a more comfortable learning environment year-round.
Dave Meyers
District 150
309 / 672 . 6739