Charles Lindbergh Middle School : Peoria, Illinois
46,000 square feet | $1.1 million
Peoria Public Schools’ district-wide plan to add air conditioning to all schools included the Lindbergh Middle School building, which was still being served by its original, inefficient boilers. Unit ventilators in the classrooms were built into base cabinets and shelves, which required retrofitting the new system to work with these existing spaces.
KED SOLUTION : High-Efficiency HVAC & Digital Controls
We installed air conditioning units and modulating hot water natural gas boilers to match the building load — increasing efficiency from 75-80% to nearly 97% — and custom-engineered classroom ventilators to fit the existing cabinetry. Digital controls allow the maintenance team to control any unit in the building remotely and receive alerts if issues occur. We also re-piped the boiler room and replaced the domestic water heating system to ensure hot water is delivered to all sinks quickly.
Dave Meyers
Director of Building and Grounds
Peoria School District 150
309 / 672.6739