East Peoria Community High School : East Peoria, Illinois
80,000 square feet | $5 million
Air conditioning the remaining 40% of this high school proved the roof wasn’t strong enough to house an air-handling unit. A tight budget for both HVAC and lighting upgrades, along with a summer-only work schedule, added to the challenge.
KED SOLUTION : Innovative Installation & Utility Incentives
We installed a 300-ton chiller as part of a new zoned HVAC system that allows for greater energy efficiency. To accommodate the existing structure, we modified ductwork in the field and placed the air handling unit on platforms set atop welded steel beams cut through the roof. We also worked with the local utility company to acquire $40,000 in incentives for new LED lighting, which helped keep the project within budget. The entire job, including asbestos abatement, was completed during the summer break as scheduled.
Jim Hollenbeck
Managing Partner
PCM + Design Architect
309 / 694.5012