Roosevelt Magnet School : Peoria, Illinois
133,000 square feet | $6 million
State-of-the-art when built in 1932, Roosevelt Magnet School was anything but nearly 90 years later. The original coal pits used to heat the building were still in place; steam boilers were operating at a fraction of their potential; massive skylights in the gym let heat out in the winter and in during the summer; and the cafeteria was inconveniently located on the third floor. Our main tasks were to add air conditioning and a new kitchen/cafeteria.
KED SOLUTION : Energy-Efficient HVAC & Kitchen Equipment
We chose a zoned, digitally controlled chiller system to cool the building, placing chillers on top of a concrete pad originally used for coal. For heat, we replaced steam boilers with modulating hot water boilers. Both systems provide significantly better energy efficiency, improve ventilation and use the same piping for cost savings. To regulate gym temperatures, we installed two suspended chilled water air handling units. We also relocated the kitchen and cafeteria to the first floor, incorporating an energy recovery wheel to help lower costs.
Dave Meyers
Director of Building and Grounds
Peoria School District 150
309 / 672.6739