UnityPoint Health Methodist : Peoria, Illinois
330-bed hospital facility | $823,000
The hospital’s existing security camera system was outdated and inefficient, making maintenance and troubleshooting difficult. After updating the required infrastructure, it was time to upgrade and expand the camera system itself to provide greater security across a range of different environments: parking lots and decks, entryways, hallways, dining areas and more.
KED SOLUTION : Custom Security Camera System & Data Solution
We partnered with camera manufacturers to create a customizable camera/lens combination, then conducted onsite demos to ensure it met UnityPoint Health’s needs. Once the right solution was selected, we integrated existing cameras into the new system, coordinated software with the hospital’s floor plan to ease trouble-shooting, and managed removal and replacement of cameras to prevent outages. We also provided a data solution that can grow with the hospital, ensuring adequate storage and data retention as new cameras are added.
Mark Negly
Assistant Manager of Facility Services
UnityPoint Health
309 / 671.5186