Bloom Bawarchi Indian Restaurant & Bar : Bloomington, Illinois
2,988 square feet | $463,771
The client wanted to expand their restaurant into the vacant, neighboring tenant space in hopes of increasing the restaurant’s capacity and functionality. The client needed to expand the current kitchen and add a new bar area. As an added complexity to the project, the expansion was taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in equipment lead time issues.
KED SOLUTION : Upgrading Systems for Expansion
We overcame the supply chain issues by choosing standard equipment and ordering all necessary equipment as soon as possible. We designed a mezzanine to allow for additional seating beyond the available floor space. We doubled the size of the kitchen to better meet demand, adding an additional grease exhaust system and two independent ventilation systems. The Bloom Bawarchi Restaurant now has increased seating capacity, a new bar area, a larger kitchen, and an overall larger restaurant, helping to bring in more revenue and serve its customers comfortably.
Scott Swanson
309 / 533 . 9706